Community Building Survey

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Moscow, Kansas will conduct a
public hearing on 12/08/2021 at 6:30PM at the following location:
121 Main ST. Moscow KS regarding a proposed loan in an amount not to exceed $500,000
to be taken by the Moscow from the Kansas Public Water Supply Loan Fund
administered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment pursuant to
K.S.A. 65-163c et seq. The City of Moscow has made preliminary application to KDHE for the
Loan, the proceeds of which will be used by the City of Moscow to finance certain modifications
and improvements on a new water well to the City of Moscow’s water supply and distribution system and to pay interest during construction of the Project. Further information
regarding the nature and scope of the Project, the source of revenues pledged to secure the Loan,
the City of Moscow’s financial information, the City of Moscow’s water conservation plan,
environmental impact information which could qualify for a categorical exclusion, the proposed
Loan documents, and the schedule of rates proposed by the Governing Body to enable the
City of Moscow to meet its financial obligations for the Loan are available for public inspection
and copying at any time during normal business hours at the address set forth below.
The Governing Body will not adopt a resolution authorizing the competition of the Loan
application and the execution and delivery of the Loan documents until after the conclusion of
the public hearing described in this Notice.
All persons having an interest in this matter will be given an opportunity to be heard at
the time and place herein specified.
Dated: November 5th 2021
125 Main St Moscow Kansas
City of Moscow, KANSAS
Antonia Crawford,
City Clerk